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No. 약어 원어 설명
301 UKHC United Kingdom High Commissioner 영국 고등판문관
302 UNASYG United Nations Assistant Secretary-General 유엔 사무차장
303 UNCACK United Nations Civil Assistance Command, Korea UN한국민사지원단
304 UNC United Nations Command UN군 사령부
305 UNCURK United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea UN한국통일부흥위원회
306 UNGA United Nations General Assembly UN총회
307 UNKRA United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency 국제연합한국재건단
308 UNPW United Nations Prisoner of war 유엔 전쟁포로
309 KMAG United Stated Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea 주한미군사고문단
310 USAF United States Air Force 미국 공군