Total 337

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No. 약어 원어 설명
321 IN incoming 수신(문서)
322 JOEWP joint operation emergency war plan 합동작전비상전쟁계획
323 LSM landing ship, medium 중형상륙함
324 LOC line of communication 병참선
325 LITTLE SWITCH operation for repatriation of sick and wounded prisoners of war 상병(傷病)포로 송환작전
326 PNG persona non grata 주재국 정부로부터 환영받지 못하는 외교관
327 POL petroleum, oil and lubricants 석유, 오일, 윤활유
328 PsyWar psychological warfare 심리전
329 reurad re your radio (telegram) 전문회신
330 SCATTER screening plan for repatriaction of prisoners of war 포로송환심사계획